Vasconcella × heilbornii (V. Badillo) V. Badillo

(sensu ampl.)


Common synonyms : Carica fructifragrans García-Barr et Hern., Carica chrysopetala Heilborn, Carica pentagona Heilborn

Common names : Sp: toronche, chamburo, babaco, siglo (Ecuador)

Origin and geographical distribution : Andes of Central-and Southern Ecuador (Azuay, Loja) between 1300-2800.

Status : Wild and cultivated (nm. pentagona).

Description : Semi-lignose, ramified, height to 2-7 m, mostly propagated by cuttings; sometimes stipules that convert in spines after leaf fall (nm. chrysopetala), leaves lobed; flowers variable green, white to yellow, plants female (very rarely monoecious or male), fruit very variable in form and weight, yellowish green to yellow at maturity, 8-35 x 3-12 cm; typical characteristic is the absence or very low content of (mostly) empty or unviable seeds; pulp: cream to yellow. It is believed that this species is a natural hybrid between V. pubescens and V. stipulata. 

Uses : Pulp used to prepare juices, preserves and candies. Flavour sour, aromatic, pleasant. Rich in papain.

References : Badillo, 1993; Van den Eynden et al, 1999; Jimenez et al, 1999; Scheldeman et al, 2000; Badillo, 2000.



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